Tomas Nonnenmacher: Russet-backed Oropendola
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Golden-olive Woodpecker
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Black and White Seedeater
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Flame-rumped Tanager
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Flame-rumped Tanager
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Scrub Tanager
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Scrub Tanager
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Colombian Chachalaca
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Colombian Chachalaca
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Golden Tanager
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Emerald Toucanet
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Roadside Hawk
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Roadside Hawk
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Rusty Flowerpiercer
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Tropical Kingbird
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Eastern Kingbird
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Yellow-faced Grassquit
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Montane Foliage-eater
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Golden-olive Woodpecker
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Red-headed Barbet (out of focus!)
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Green Hermit
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Steely-vented Hummingbird
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Slate-throated Whitestart
Tomas Nonnenmacher: Blue-gray Tanager