ChristopherKolk: Till the End!
ChristopherKolk: 217781_504232811562_9102_n
ChristopherKolk: Do Not adjust your screen The Champ is just naturally blurry
ChristopherKolk: 217790_504232746692_9025_n
ChristopherKolk: 205570_504232781622_1557_n
ChristopherKolk: Keep it in the Family?
ChristopherKolk: 216629_504232796592_7162_n
ChristopherKolk: 216626_504232726732_8267_n
ChristopherKolk: 205492_504232831522_3768_n
ChristopherKolk: Things that make you go Hmmmm
ChristopherKolk: Lord of the Mannor
ChristopherKolk: 216658_504232721742_8101_n
ChristopherKolk: Me and My Family
ChristopherKolk: A classic Case of North V. South, just like the civil war only this time with Cake!
ChristopherKolk: It's hard to look suave while Drunk Dialing
ChristopherKolk: 215783_504232856472_1785_n
ChristopherKolk: 207724_504232906372_3001_n
ChristopherKolk: 215523_504232931322_8631_n
ChristopherKolk: 215619_504232961262_2375_n
ChristopherKolk: Now that is one Classy Broad!
ChristopherKolk: 206464_504232871442_5766_n
ChristopherKolk: Lets Drink until the bodega won't let us purchase beer any more and then we can go watch the sun rise . . .
ChristopherKolk: Where is the FCC Now?!
ChristopherKolk: Don't mess with the Bull
ChristopherKolk: 216001_504232776632_948_n
ChristopherKolk: 215443_504232901382_2411_n
ChristopherKolk: It's a tough job but someone has to do it!
ChristopherKolk: 207640_504232891402_8964_n
ChristopherKolk: Who's that lovely lady?