*Moreta's Closet*: Don’t look back. You’re not going that way
*Moreta's Closet*: Believe you can and you’re halfway there
*Moreta's Closet*: Summer means happy times and good sunshine.
*Moreta's Closet*: What’s the best hour of the day..Definitely lunch hour!
*Moreta's Closet*: It's my heart
*Moreta's Closet*: out for a morning walk
*Moreta's Closet*: A hazy morning at the beach
*Moreta's Closet*: Welcome home
*Moreta's Closet*: Strike a Pose
*Moreta's Closet*: let's go boy
*Moreta's Closet*: Watching the waves
*Moreta's Closet*: Relax! Life is beautiful!
*Moreta's Closet*: NO_DISTORTION
*Moreta's Closet*: Life is not measured by time. It is measured by moments