norm_: Pay no attention to that small dog
norm_: Aftermath
norm_: Rump shot!
norm_: IMG_1127
norm_: Double barreled corn cooking
norm_: IMG_1125
norm_: Family and friends
norm_: Winding down the line
norm_: Front tables
norm_: Under the awning
norm_: More front tables
norm_: Waste station
norm_: Food staging setup
norm_: The drink trough
norm_: Sweets table
norm_: plate station
norm_: Dogs and corn
norm_: Looking anxiously for food
norm_: Pre-food survey shot
norm_: More crowd count
norm_: The corn burners
norm_: Note: get grill hotter quicker.
norm_: The first batch.
norm_: Doddering through the line
norm_: Yes, we do need to speed up the line next year
norm_: Also, line next to Foucalt's Tire Swing? Not brilliant.
norm_: Hungry, hungry hippos
norm_: There's more where that came from
norm_: Shout out to The Lord