imtoobigtoo: The outside loo!
imtoobigtoo: Not quite a brick wall this week.....
imtoobigtoo: The kitchen
imtoobigtoo: The utility/boot room in the making
imtoobigtoo: The new lounge/Conservatory
imtoobigtoo: From the new dining room to the top of the garden
imtoobigtoo: The corner of the new lounge/dining room
imtoobigtoo: The Garden
imtoobigtoo: This used to be attached to the back of the house
imtoobigtoo: The new windows and back door
imtoobigtoo: In the making old back door
imtoobigtoo: New conservatory/lounge in the making
imtoobigtoo: This is where the sunhouse / thing at the top of the garden used to be
imtoobigtoo: Thank goodness the fireworks have stopped!
imtoobigtoo: The girder that replaces the wall
imtoobigtoo: In progress living/dining room
imtoobigtoo: Nice Ceiling!
imtoobigtoo: Living Room
imtoobigtoo: The new kitchen into the dining room
imtoobigtoo: From front to back
imtoobigtoo: My office at home
imtoobigtoo: This is where the new side door will be
imtoobigtoo: Looking more like a living room
imtoobigtoo: More of the living room
imtoobigtoo: Beautiful Paper
imtoobigtoo: Sipping Cider
imtoobigtoo: Great White Bites
imtoobigtoo: Peering throught the banister at me!
imtoobigtoo: Frosty Brick Face