tpower_ipittythefool: Climbing 3-20-2007
tpower_ipittythefool: Climbing 3-17-2007
tpower_ipittythefool: Lower Calf Creek Falls
tpower_ipittythefool: Where's all the snow?
tpower_ipittythefool: Picture or Video 033
tpower_ipittythefool: Picture or Video 032
tpower_ipittythefool: King's Peak trip 089
tpower_ipittythefool: Gilbert Peak
tpower_ipittythefool: Somewhere in the Uintas
tpower_ipittythefool: Look at the baldy!
tpower_ipittythefool: Coyote Gulch 06
tpower_ipittythefool: Coyote Natural Bridge
tpower_ipittythefool: Escalante trip 3-05 120
tpower_ipittythefool: Canyon (Escalante Ut)
tpower_ipittythefool: Escalante trip 3-05 082
tpower_ipittythefool: Escalante trip 3-05 055
tpower_ipittythefool: Jessica above Ostler Lake