akunkle99: Shangri La Falls
akunkle99: Shangri La Falls
akunkle99: Shangri La Falls
akunkle99: Shangri La Falls
akunkle99: Me, Jackson, Christy, and Kitty at Shangri La Falls
akunkle99: Christy at Shangri La Falls
akunkle99: Selfie with Jackson at Shangri La Falls
akunkle99: Old still
akunkle99: Old still
akunkle99: Mossy boulder
akunkle99: Christy, Thomas, and Kitty
akunkle99: Kitty on a mossy boulder
akunkle99: Not amused
akunkle99: Christy with the frog
akunkle99: Jackson kissed a frog
akunkle99: Bernie
akunkle99: Me carrying Jackson towards the waterfall
akunkle99: Me carrying Jackson towards the waterfall
akunkle99: Me carrying Jackson towards the waterfall
akunkle99: Me carrying Jackson towards the waterfall
akunkle99: Group photo - Me and Jackson, Kitty, Christy, Bernie, and Blair