akunkle99: Christy kayaking on Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Christy kayaking towards Sols Creek Falls
akunkle99: Sols Creek Falls from Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Sols Creek Falls from Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Sols Creek Falls from Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Bottom section of Flat Creek Falls
akunkle99: Bottom section of Flat Creek Falls
akunkle99: Flat Creek Falls
akunkle99: Christy downstream from Flat Creek Falls
akunkle99: She turned me into a newt!
akunkle99: The cliffs of The Dismal from Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Small waterfall on Neddie Creek
akunkle99: Bear Creek Lake relections
akunkle99: Fog on Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Fog on Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Fog on Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Fog on Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Fog on Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Fog on Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Our campsite on Bear Creek Lake, at the mouth of Neddie Creek
akunkle99: Bald eagle in a dead tree
akunkle99: Christy kayaking on Bear Creek Lake
akunkle99: Mill Creek Falls at Lake Glenville
akunkle99: Mill Creek Falls at Lake Glenville
akunkle99: Christy at Mill Creek Falls
akunkle99: This guy is towing his dog behind his motorcycle