akunkle99: Jack in the Pulpit
akunkle99: Large flowered trillium
akunkle99: Large flowered trillium
akunkle99: Large flowered trillium
akunkle99: Isolation Falls, lower section
akunkle99: Isolation Falls, upper section
akunkle99: Isolation Falls, upper section
akunkle99: Christy climbing Isolation Falls
akunkle99: Christy at Isolation Falls
akunkle99: Christy at the top of Isolation Falls
akunkle99: Unnamed 15' waterfall on an unnamed tributary of an unnamed stream
akunkle99: Garter Snake
akunkle99: Too many steps...
akunkle99: Tired dogs
akunkle99: We found a relic from the past (and carried it out)
akunkle99: Christy at the top of a small waterfall on the west fork