Dirk 0701: light in the window
Dirk 0701: old piano
Dirk 0701: long corridor
Dirk 0701: light and shadows
Dirk 0701: the classic...
Dirk 0701: Beelitz Heilstätten - Männerklinik
Dirk 0701: ...alter Glanz
Dirk 0701: ...behind the window
Dirk 0701: Staircase in light
Dirk 0701: dining room
Dirk 0701: the old machine
Dirk 0701: Windows of beelitz
Dirk 0701: at that time
Dirk 0701: Grand Piano
Dirk 0701: Once upon a time ...
Dirk 0701: rust
Dirk 0701: factory window
Dirk 0701: steam power to the wheels
Dirk 0701: old industry facility
Dirk 0701: Lost Place
Dirk 0701: the ravages of time
Dirk 0701: end of work
Dirk 0701: Daylight
Dirk 0701: Danger Zone
Dirk 0701: old industry
Dirk 0701: gold
Dirk 0701: lost places
Dirk 0701: ...go into the light