E P E: Pied Avocets at Hesketh Bank
E P E: Little Egret and Grey Heron
E P E: Pied Avocets
E P E: Pied Avocets
E P E: Eurasian Teal
E P E: A pair of Goldcrests
E P E: Bearded Tits
E P E: Yellow-browed Warbler
E P E: Bearded Tits
E P E: Bearded Tits
E P E: Bearded Tit
E P E: Bearded Tit (F)
E P E: Bearded Tit (F)
E P E: Bearded Tit
E P E: Bearded Tit
E P E: Common Guillemot
E P E: Goldcrest, Regulus regulus
E P E: A Walk through the Garden in May
E P E: Long-tailed Tit
E P E: Goldfinch
E P E: Barn Swallow
E P E: Barn Swallow
E P E: Common Starling
E P E: Centaurea Montana
E P E: Southern Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza praetermissa)
E P E: White-tailed Bumblebee
E P E: Euphorbia oblongata
E P E: Queen Buff-tailed Bumblebee
E P E: Juvenile Moorhens
E P E: Primula japonica 'Holly'