egcd32: Plate 16A. View looking Northwest from point near head of Black Box of San Rafael River, San Rafael Swell, Utah
egcd32: Plate 16B. View looking South from the reef at mouth of Buckhorn Wash, San Rafael Swell
egcd32: Plate 16C. View looking Northeast from mouth of Red Canyon, San Rafael Swell
egcd32: Plate 17A. Unconformity, channel in Chinle shale filled by sandstone of the Wingate sandstone
egcd32: Plate 17B. Wingate sandstone, resting on Chinle formation near Courthouse Mail station on Thompsons-Moab road, utah
egcd32: Plate 17C. Typical outcrop of Todilto (?) formation near head of Spring canyon, Northern part of San Rafael Swell, Utah
egcd32: Plate 18A. Cliff of Navajo Sandstone
egcd32: Plate 18B. View taken 2 miles South of San Rafael-Green River Junction, Utah
egcd32: Plate 18C. Nearer view of cliff
egcd32: Plate 19A. View near Courthouse Mail Station, Thompsons-Moab Road, Utah
egcd32: Plate 19B. View on Muddy River at the mouth of Salt Gulch, West Flank of San Rafael Swell, Utah
egcd32: Plate 19C. The Red Ledge, between Buckhorn Flat and San Rafael River, West flank of San Rafael Swell
egcd32: Plate 20A. Cliff at mouth of Horn Silver Gulch, West Flank of San Rafael Swell, Utah
egcd32: Plate 20B. Rounded concretionary masses
egcd32: Plate 20C. Unconformity between evenly banded shales and sandstones
egcd32: Plate 21A. Butte of Summerville formation
egcd32: Plate 21B. Variegated clay and sandstone of Morrison formation
egcd32: Plate 21C. Salt Wash sandstone member of Morrison formation