opschief136: Texas Centennial in Dallas, Texas, 1936
opschief136: Entrance to Fair Park in Dallas during the 1936 Texas Centennial
opschief136: Pan American Exposition in Dallas, Texas, 1937
opschief136: The Entrance to Fair Park during the Texas Centennial & Pan American Exposition in 1936-37, as a kid I use to ride those streetcars to the State Fair of Texas
opschief136: National Cash Register (NCR) Building at the Texas Centennial/Pan American Exposition, 1936/37
opschief136: The Pan American Casino at Fair Park in 1937, this is now the Fair Park Music Hall
opschief136: Ford Building at Fair Park during Texas Centennial in 1936
opschief136: The Hall of State during the Texas Centennial in 1936
opschief136: The Gulf Oil Products Building & Radio Studios, WRR Radio was in this building for many years....1936-37
opschief136: Fair Park during the Texas Centennial, 1936
opschief136: Ford Building during the Texas Centennial/Pan American Expo. in 1936-37
opschief136: The GM Building during the Texas Centennial and Pan American Exposition, 1936-37
opschief136: Entrance to Fair Park in Dallas during the Texas Centennial in 1936
opschief136: Varied Industries Building during the Texas Centennial & Pan American Exposition, 1936-37
opschief136: Travel & Trans. Bldgs. during the Texas Centennial at Fair Park in Dallas, 1936-37
opschief136: Transportation Bldg. at Fair Park, Dallas, Texas
opschief136: Museum of Domestic Arts, Fair Park in 1937, Dallas, Texas
opschief136: Law, West of the Pecos during the Texas Centennial/Pan American Exposition, Dallas, Texas 1936-37
opschief136: Aquarium at Fair Park during the Texas Centennial, this is still at Fair Park, took my granddaughters there a few years ago....
opschief136: Agriculture Bldg. at Fair Park during the Texa Centennial, 1936
opschief136: My Father's Army Unit in Formation in front of the Hall of State at Fair Park during the Texas Centennial, 1936
opschief136: Bandshell at Fair Park during the Texas Centennial, 1936
opschief136: Replica of the Alamo during the Texas Centennial in Dallas in 1936
opschief136: President Roosevelt speaking to the Nation from the Cotton Bowl at the Opening of the Texas Centenial in 1936....
opschief136: Lower Rio Grande Valley Building during the Texas Centennial and Pan American Exposition in 1936/37
opschief136: The Old Texas Rangers Station at Fair Park during the Texas Centennial/Pan American Exposition in 1936/37, this is where most folks got their Texas Drivers Licenses for many year, I got mine here in 1955
opschief136: Black Forest at Fair Park in 1937
opschief136: New Lincoln at Camp Stephan F. Austin at Fair Park during the Texas Centennial/Pan American Exposition, 1936-37
opschief136: Looking across the Lagoon at Fair Park during the Pan American Exposition, 1937
opschief136: This is a picture of Rich and I taken at the 1948 State Fair of Texas