Jon Dev: Sandstone with plant macro-fossils
Jon Dev: Cliff of sandstone and shale above Fish Creek, Calgary - #2
Jon Dev: Cliff of sandstone and shale above Fish Creek, Calgary - #1
Jon Dev: Cliff of sandstone and shale above Fish Creek, Calgary - #3
Jon Dev: Geological subjects: cliff exposure displaying an erosion surface (an incised channel)
Jon Dev: Winter snow at Fish Creek, south Calgary - #1
Jon Dev: Seen in building stone: trough cross-lamination in sandstone
Jon Dev: Fracture surfaces in sandstone
Jon Dev: Conglomerate and sandstone in a boulder
Jon Dev: Bedding planes in Paskapoo Formation sandstone
Jon Dev: Architectural use of sandstone: Lougheed House, Calgary
Jon Dev: Calgary's historic architecture - Grain Exchange Building
Jon Dev: Calgary's historic architecture - Safran Centre (former high school)
Jon Dev: Calgary's historic architecture - City Hall
Jon Dev: Sandstone: layered forms and texture
Jon Dev: Building stone in sunlight and shadow
Jon Dev: Old versus new architecture, Calgary
Jon Dev: Fossilized root structures in Tertiary sandstone
Jon Dev: Calgary's City Hall, south side
Jon Dev: Calgary's City Hall, west side
Jon Dev: Sandstone: layered forms and texture - #2
Jon Dev: Foreground forest and background sandstone cliff, Fish Creek PP - #2
Jon Dev: Weathered and fractured sandstone surface
Jon Dev: Wide-angle architecture: a sandstone school building, Calgary - #1
Jon Dev: Details of historic sandstone architecture in downtown Calgary
Jon Dev: Architectural details in an old sandstone school, Calgary
Jon Dev: Cliff of sandstone and shale above Fish Creek, Calgary - #4
Jon Dev: Sandstone cliff at Fish Creek Prov. Park, south Calgary