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Blue walls at a mall by Jon Dev
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Jon Dev
Blue walls with yellow trim, revisited
Jon Dev
A shadowed corner, with many lines
Jon Dev
Tilted view: blue walls with white stripe
Jon Dev
Blue wall siding, door, and shadows
Jon Dev
Dark blue: railing and metal wall
Jon Dev
Dark blue: railing and metal wall - #2
Jon Dev
Blue metal wall and railing: ICM version
Jon Dev
Tilted view: blue wall and red pillars
Jon Dev
Blue wall, pillars, shadows
Jon Dev
Blue wall, pillars, shadows - #2
Jon Dev
Blue wall, pillars, shadows - #3
Jon Dev
Tilted view up: wall with yellow stripes
Jon Dev
Tilted view up: wall with yellow stripes - #2
Jon Dev
Shadowed blue walls, with white and yellow (revisited)
Jon Dev
Diagonals: tilted view of shadows on corrugated blue wall and red pillars
Jon Dev
Shadowed blue wall (metal siding) and pinkish-red pillars
Jon Dev
Blue wall (metal siding) with shadows
Jon Dev
Blue wall (metal siding) with shadows - #2
Jon Dev
Architectural colour and geometry: blue metal wall with yellow accents
Jon Dev
Revisiting the blue walls with yellow trim
Jon Dev
Colours, forms, lines, and shadows: wall and pillars at a mall, revisited
Jon Dev
Mall architecture: walls and pillars, colours and shadows