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Geology in building stone by Jon Dev
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Jon Dev
Polished stone: igneous petrology illustrated - #2
Jon Dev
Polished stone: igneous petrology illustrated
Jon Dev
Polished building stone: Ordovician fossiliferous and bioturbated carbonate rock
Jon Dev
Polished building stone: Ordovician fossiliferous and bioturbated carbonate rock - #2
Jon Dev
Polished building stone: Ordovician fossiliferous and bioturbated carbonate rock - #3
Jon Dev
Structures in metamorphic rock - #1
Jon Dev
Structures in metamorphic rock - #2
Jon Dev
Polished stone: carbonate rock textures - #2
Jon Dev
Polished stone: carbonate rock textures
Jon Dev
Polished stone: folded layering in metamorphic rock
Jon Dev
Polished stone: graphic granite texture in rapakivi granite
Jon Dev
Polished stone: granitic rock with zoned feldspar crystals
Jon Dev
Polished building stone: Ordovician fossiliferous and bioturbated carbonate rock - #4
Jon Dev
Polished stone: carbonate rock textures - #3
Jon Dev
Polished stone: veined breccia
Jon Dev
Structures in metamorphic rock - #3
Jon Dev
Polished building stone: Ordovician fossiliferous and bioturbated rock - #5
Jon Dev
Polished building stone: Ordovician fossilferous and bioturbated rock - #6
Jon Dev
Wall with ornamental sandstone panels
Jon Dev
Polished stone: coarse-grained feldspathic intrusive rock
Jon Dev
Polished stone: breccia with inter-fragment veinlets
Jon Dev
Polished stone: porphyritic granite
Jon Dev
Polished stone: veined breccia - #2
Jon Dev
Polished stone: feldspathic gneiss with garnet
Jon Dev
Structures in metamorphic rock - #4
Jon Dev
Polished building stone: Ordovician fossiliferous and bioturbated carbonate rock - #7
Jon Dev
Seen in building stone: trough cross-lamination in sandstone
Jon Dev
Folded gneiss exposed in stone steps
Jon Dev
Polished stone: veined breccia - #3
Jon Dev
Structures in metamorphic rock - #5
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