Iplehouse dreamer: Our 1st snow of the season here in KY. (less than 1/2 inch, yay!)
Iplehouse dreamer: 1st snow of the season 2016/2017
Iplehouse dreamer: 1st Blue bird this year! Spring is coming!
Iplehouse dreamer: 1/15/2015 2nd snow fall 2 inches
Iplehouse dreamer: 2nd snow in western Ky.
Iplehouse dreamer: 1st snow in Ky.
Iplehouse dreamer: Breakfast is served!
Iplehouse dreamer: Will it ever end?
Iplehouse dreamer: "Knock out Roses"
Iplehouse dreamer: Woke up to ice on the trees (2/16/2019)
Iplehouse dreamer: "darn winter, still hanging on"
Iplehouse dreamer: "Bluebird" on my blue gazing ball
Iplehouse dreamer: "Bluebird" on my blue gazing ball
Iplehouse dreamer: back yard in KY.
Iplehouse dreamer: Vinca vine bloom
Iplehouse dreamer: Burr.....it's 5 degrees here in western KY this morning!
Iplehouse dreamer: A Luna moth we saw along the bridge.