Eric K. Washington: 70 Faces by Felix Morelo
Eric K. Washington: Wooster Street mural
Eric K. Washington: Light panel
Eric K. Washington: Fair and Square Ribbon painted sign
Eric K. Washington: Harlem Theatre Company painted sign
Eric K. Washington: Mr. Sandman - Artist, Joe Mangrum, and his ephemeral mandala
Eric K. Washington: Sidewalk mandala of colored sand by artist Joe Mangrum
Eric K. Washington: Black and White in Color
Eric K. Washington: Are You Accepting the Proper Line Up?
Eric K. Washington: Subway Directional Light Panel
Eric K. Washington: Domestic Cascade
Eric K. Washington: Rotary Dialing
Eric K. Washington: Wall Art Near Rue Norvins, Montmartre, Paris
Eric K. Washington: Mobile, by Curt Asker, Centre Culturel Suèdois, Paris
Eric K. Washington: Rue de Hesse Sign, Modified, Paris
Eric K. Washington: Mur Rude, Bourg, France
Eric K. Washington: Stained Glass Window, High Line
Eric K. Washington: 125th Street Subway Viaduct II
Eric K. Washington: 125th Street Subway Viaduct III
Eric K. Washington: 125th Street Subway Viaduct IV
Eric K. Washington: 125th Street Subway Viaduct V
Eric K. Washington: 125th Street Subway Viaduct VI
Eric K. Washington: 125th Street Subway Viaduct VII
Eric K. Washington: Mirror Study I
Eric K. Washington: Mirror Study II
Eric K. Washington: 125th Street Subway Viaduct I
Eric K. Washington: Celestial Bodies on My Kitchen Ceiling
Eric K. Washington: Simple Geometry-Central Park, Maine Monument Pedestal I