moxy1965: Max my cat :)
moxy1965: Maximillion!😁
moxy1965: Whisper is taking it easy!
moxy1965: Whisper!😁
moxy1965: 20161003_115634
moxy1965: Little Squirrel
moxy1965: Say What??
moxy1965: Fattening up for Winter
moxy1965: wood duck
moxy1965: Hic!!!
moxy1965: Maxi 5
moxy1965: Gull Portrait
moxy1965: peek a boo!
moxy1965: Cormerant
moxy1965: Peppin
moxy1965: maxi 2
moxy1965: Maxi 😁
moxy1965: Meow_
moxy1965: Deer at boucherville Park
moxy1965: bumblebee 1 at Beaver Hall
moxy1965: Deer in the snow 2
moxy1965: Deer in the snow 3
moxy1965: Deer in the snow 4
moxy1965: Redwinged blackbird
moxy1965: Serpentine Pair.
moxy1965: Blue heron
moxy1965: Little Fawn
moxy1965: itsy bitsy spider
moxy1965: little bird
moxy1965: The Grackel