Pendore: 032
Pendore: waiting for U maybe !
Pendore: 047
Pendore: 013
Pendore: 039
Pendore: 009
Pendore: Observer
Pendore: 022 copie
Pendore: Autumn light
Pendore: 033
Pendore: 030
Pendore: 024
Pendore: 023
Pendore: 017
Pendore: 016
Pendore: 015
Pendore: 014
Pendore: The great attitude - La belle attitude
Pendore: Chanson d'automne - Autumn song (Paul Verlaine)
Pendore: storm warning issued by Météo-France - Avis de tempête publié par Météo-France
Pendore: Pourquoi est-il si difficile d'être heureux ? Why is it so hard to be happy?
Pendore: Automne charmeur et promenade sur un tapis doré - Fall charmer and walk on a golden carpet
Pendore: Entre 2 averses - Between 2 showers
Pendore: RE-POST : rolling on the river
Pendore: rolling on the river
Pendore: Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. ~Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858
Pendore: bidon !
Pendore: autumnal sun - soleil d'automne
Pendore: Splendeurs éphémères - Ephemeral splendor