rebeccmeister: Waiting for the train in Emeryville
rebeccmeister: Municipal composting in Vancouver, BC
rebeccmeister: Finally swapping off the busted tire
rebeccmeister: Finally swapping off the busted tire
rebeccmeister: Finally swapping off the busted tire
rebeccmeister: Great visit with friends in Bellingham
rebeccmeister: Fabulous Dutch Bakery in Lynden, WA
rebeccmeister: Chasing the tandem over the bridge towards Vancouver, BC
rebeccmeister: Chasing the tandem over the bridge towards Vancouver, BC
rebeccmeister: Bridge crossing towards Vancouver, BC
rebeccmeister: IMG_4896
rebeccmeister: Counterpoint Opus IV from the front
rebeccmeister: View of the triple chain setup on the Opus IV
rebeccmeister: Jolly Roger in the zucchini bush
rebeccmeister: Beautiful backyard sunflowers
rebeccmeister: One-horned Jolly Roger
rebeccmeister: Emergency Super-Man duct tape fender repair
rebeccmeister: How big is your zucchini plant?
rebeccmeister: How big is your zucchini plant?
rebeccmeister: Zucchini pollinators dwarfed by enormous flower
rebeccmeister: Octopus atop basket
rebeccmeister: Watching the eclipse-watchers