bernawy hugues kossi huo: La tige de feu Atmic qui forme le noyau de la force qui joue le long du Sushumna est ramenée au niveau physique le plus dense
bernawy hugues kossi huo: The atman, more subtle than any matter, generates his own successive material bodies.This world and its creatures are here to facilitate the soul's self-centred desires, and ultimately to enable his return to the spiritual world.
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bernawy hugues kossi huo: Kornmarkt-Madonna....The big giant, which seemed to be not yet fully awake,
bernawy hugues kossi huo: The famous tale of the Green Snake, seen everywhere here in Paris and especially that the amateur Alchemists of the Widow attribute themselves without even understanding its meaning. Just like the artist funded by some kind of association? He too is ignor
bernawy hugues kossi huo: Feu sacré et Prophétie du serpent...Le serpent était enroulé sur une croix pour les alchimistes du Moyen-âge. Ce feu permet à l’être de devenir cette force mystérieuse.