bernawy hugues kossi huo:
"Au milieu de l’hiver, j’apprenais enfin qu’il y avait en moi un été invincible." Albert Camus
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
His shadow shows the hours, which are marked in a circle on the floor around him
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Mithraic mysteries... heliodromus, Courier of (and to) the Sun...WHO IS REALLY THE ANGEL OF THE FORTRESS?...QUI EST VRAIMENT L’ANGE DE LA BASTILLE ?
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
The Violet Flamme... chakra meditation using the mantra “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!”
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
entlighten's way
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Phanès, qui surgit de l'œuf cosmique à l'origine du temps, engendrant l'univers.
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
MITHRAISM FOR TODAY...Mithras Subduing the Bull...The Tauroctony ...Sol Marcus Cassius Julianus (Mithra in Chateau Fontainebleau)
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
"We can take nothing back, which we have once shaken from us,"
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Elective Affinities..... Apocalypse Now.... chemical species....chemistry.... Wahlverwandtschaften
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
and he was groping forward on the broad pavement of the bridge
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
An ourboros dream, therefore, may indicate a time of change and transformation for the dreamer and the ouroborous need not show up as the one in the picture.
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Napoleon Bonaparte's Mystical Experience Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
"Fruits of the earth? we despise them, and have never tasted them."
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Beautiful body it is COR.. BEAU that's given Raven translated into English, the famous Swiss architect Le Corbusier did he used the first rank of Mithra to create his name?
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Nigredo # Craw ...corbeau ....Œuvre au noir ....première partie avant œuvre au blanc ( cygne) puis rouge ( Phoenix palmier en grec) Mon esprit veut s'envoler dans les airs avec mon âme...
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
All things transitory But as symbols sent, Earth's insufficiency Here grows to event. The indescribable, here it is done. The Woman Soul leads us upward, and on.
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Light of Heliodromus receives stronger Lion to Father. , Licht von Heliodromus erhält kräftiger Löwe zu Father. Rite magnifique du lion qui reçoit la lumière de Heliodromus.
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Metempsychosis..... referring to transmigration of the soul, especially its reincarnation after death
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
La tige de feu Atmic qui forme le noyau de la force qui joue le long du Sushumna est ramenée au niveau physique le plus dense
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Saint John’s Cathedral....'s-Hertogenbosch...The Duke's Forest ....Den Bosch.... Bois-le-Duc
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Équerre d'art gens
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
as usual, he had wanted to swim in the cove
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Time at the Hand
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Beloved Goddess of Liberty... Violet Flame World on Freedom ....Sentinel: The Unlikely Origins of the Statue...The Ascended Masters on Soul Mates and Twin Flames....Saint Germain: Prophecy to the Nations
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
The New Colossus....“Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!”
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Flame of Liberty...Historians believe that sculptor Frédéric Bartholdi used his mother’s face as a model for Lady Liberty’s. The fabric-draped body, on the other hand, is said by some to have been fashioned with his wife’s figure in mind.
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Les déesses de la LIBERTÉ... il incombe à tous les Porteurs de Lumière qui connaissent les Enseignements des Maîtres Ascensionnés de se galvaniser dans un effort concerté et uni.
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Mithraism....Lion-headed figure from the Sidon Mithraeum. Dedicated 500 CE by Flavius Gerontios (CIMRM 78 & 79), now at the Louvre... the souls are elicited in flames by the caduceus
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Nymphus, the Bride
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Diable!!!!!!que c'est toujours pareil , on met le feu pour l'éteindre ?arsonist , it's always the same, they set fire to extinguish it?