bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Afterlife...have one foot in the grave... Bids submitted after the deadline specified in the tender announcement.... the stream of consciousness continues to manifest after the death of the physical body
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Psychopomp (Bartholdi)...Eternal return (Eliade)
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Stairway to Heaven...Bartholdi Genius...Delphi,Mount Parnassus the inventor of the art of foretelling the future from the flight of birds, and to have given his name to Mount Parnassus...THRIAE (Thriai), the name of three prophetic nymphs
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
70 Jabamiah Lucifer Angel Alchemy Genius i.Bartholdi itself carried the sculpture of the winged female genius Accompanying the dying. Just 25 minuted the enlightenment in the day. And shadowed other hours of the day.
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Genie Funeral...Bartholdi realised his own grave: it is dominated by an obelisk of red porphyry top pulling a bronze angel. The regulars all know that the cemetery is almost impossible to take a picture right: it is always in the shade!
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Angel: JABAMIAH....Bartholdi itself carried the sculpture of the winged female genius that dominates the red porphyry obelisk on which is written "Author / Lion of Belfort / and the Statue of Liberty / Enlightening the World."
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Eagles of Death Metal...Peace, Love.The eagle's alchemical symbolism can readily be recognized in that the goals of alchemy are the transmutation of base (impure) metals or spirits into more purer or finer ones.
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Symbolique franc-maçonne de la statue de la « Liberté »
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Albert Camus "Tout le malheur des hommes vient de l’espérance qui les arrache au silence de la citadelle, qui les jette sur les remparts dans l’attente du salut"
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
The Solar Metal Gold