bernawy hugues kossi huo: The Lure of Montmartre...Known for its revolutionary politics and underground culture, its liberal reputation lured students, writers, musicians, and artists to the area in the early 1880s.
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bernawy hugues kossi huo: Sacred Heart ...Balancing between Earth and Sky...divine punishment for the moral decline of the country...communing with them both, they come closer to each other for the purpose of a blessed union.
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bernawy hugues kossi huo: the Beautiful Lily...the human soul turns to the two world spheres between which man's life is placed. What condition of the human soul forces corresponds in the best sense of the word to an existence worthy of man?
bernawy hugues kossi huo: Painting the Eiffel Tower...The Eiffel Tower, symbol of Paris and of France...“Iron Lady” as it is affectionately known, rises 324 meters above the city of light. A vertiginous emblem of the Industrial Revolution right in the heart of Paris and cornerston
bernawy hugues kossi huo: . Il trouva, entre deux grands rochers, une vaste crevasse
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bernawy hugues kossi huo: Episteme...The Order of Things.craftsmanship..Artes Mechanicae...Techne...Truth is a thing of this world: it is produced only by virtue of multiple forms of constraint.
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bernawy hugues kossi huo: Montmartre,Mornings light
bernawy hugues kossi huo: siege of Paris 1870 -71...A Latin Quarter menu contemporary with the siege reads in part: * Consommé de cheval au millet. (horse) * Brochettes de foie de chien à la maître d'hôtel. (dog) * Emincé de rable de chat. Sauce mayonnaise. (cat) * Epaules et file
bernawy hugues kossi huo: Sacred Heart of Montmartre...Sacré-Cœur, Paris
bernawy hugues kossi huo: White horses in mythology...Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse..the defeat of French troops during the Franco-Prussian War as a divine punishment ...Sacré-Cœur, Paris... first Horseman is infectious pandemic disease .