Rob Oo: Claw
stu ART photo: Morning Light
Sapna Reddy Photography: Back in the Bayou (Explored)
foucault.roger: Fog on the lake
antonkimpfbeck: The Chapel of Mary's Mantle
lukegei: STARTREK
laijos: Icy Elegance
lukegei: Silberstreifen
mb.graphx: BW Fog, Switzerland
Blende1.8: SPIKE
Mike Atkinson Photography: Mono Promenade Walk.
hdvoskamp: Pipes
mserle56: Union Terminal Cincinnati, Ohio
10stickman: Westbahnhof (B&W)
helena_bezecna: Thoughtful man
Anthony D Barraclough: Winter Grazing 847llc-1
Carl Vanassche: IMG_1014
Ale Neri: Krakow
BernadetteM*: Floating among the waves
Carl Vanassche: IMG_7705
Frans Nijland: Copenhagen Dresden III
Rob Oo: Caugth in the web