L!ana: CSI
L!ana: Red wine and food for free!
L!ana: With friends like these, you don't need armies.
L!ana: All the way it must be light
L!ana: At least we tried.
L!ana: We started nothing.
L!ana: The world is mine.
L!ana: Is it possible to truly enjoy a power?
L!ana: Trust nobody.
L!ana: We were fated to pretend.
L!ana: There is nothing left here, for me.
L!ana: Freedom
L!ana: This is my Vietnam.
L!ana: Wherever we want to go-WE GO!
L!ana: One day I'll fly away...
L!ana: Summer sunshine, I miss you.
L!ana: The beach
L!ana: I hope the exit is joyful and I hope never to return.
L!ana: ''Blow''
L!ana: Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get.
L!ana: ME.
L!ana: Everything is illuminated.
L!ana: Peace!