PH Factor: plumbago
PH Factor: Comte de chambord
PH Factor: clematis
PH Factor: poppy
PH Factor: chaenomeles
PH Factor: hellebore
PH Factor: hellebore
PH Factor: rhododendron
PH Factor: magnolia confetti
PH Factor: rhododendron
PH Factor: beside the path
PH Factor: bluebells in the arboretum
PH Factor: bluebells, rhododendron and silver birch trunk
PH Factor: foxglove
PH Factor: pink
PH Factor: blue carpet in the arboretum
PH Factor: the old deer?
PH Factor: 'red hot pokers'
PH Factor: cassia didymobotrya
PH Factor: primroses
PH Factor: lacecap hydrangea
PH Factor: a treasured peaceful, happy corner in my world
PH Factor: hollyhock in the apple orchard...
PH Factor: peaceful seat under the copper beach tree
PH Factor: verbena boraniensis
PH Factor: verbena boraniensis
PH Factor: hydrangeas
PH Factor: idyllic...
PH Factor: lantana