pezzazz: IMG_1061
pezzazz: IMG_1060 (1)
pezzazz: Selfie. Just get the hoomons to push the button.
pezzazz: King of the castle
pezzazz: Presents from Aunt Cathybot!
pezzazz: Gus finds my bubble necklace
pezzazz: Snoooze
pezzazz: Gus's first poorly lit, late night play session.
pezzazz: OMG IT'S GUS
pezzazz: DSCF7941
pezzazz: DSCF7939
pezzazz: DSCF7937
pezzazz: DSCF7936
pezzazz: DSCF7935
pezzazz: DSCF7934
pezzazz: DSCF7933
pezzazz: DSCF7931
pezzazz: DSCF7930
pezzazz: DSCF7929
pezzazz: Gus Supplies!
pezzazz: This one shows his coloring best. He's really only jet black on his face, feet, and tail. The rest is white tipped with dark brown.
pezzazz: Pew Pew Pew!
pezzazz: Belly rubs
pezzazz: Belly rub + Pew Pew Pew hands
pezzazz: Headbutting the camera
pezzazz: Lazers off
pezzazz: Lazers on
pezzazz: Pretending to be a tiny lil kitty
pezzazz: HAI
pezzazz: He's so shiny now!