stenkil: Widener University
stenkil: Widener Hall
stenkil: Pink Apartment
stenkil: Baseball Field
stenkil: Dam in Swarthmore
stenkil: Phone Camera
stenkil: PPL
stenkil: Basketball Court
stenkil: Courthouse in Media
stenkil: Standing in the Water
stenkil: Boardwalk
stenkil: Long Walk on the Beach
stenkil: My Old Place
stenkil: My Family at the Washington Monument
stenkil: Harpers Ferry Panorama
stenkil: Harper's Ferry Panorama
stenkil: Philadelphia Waterworks
stenkil: WWII Memorial
stenkil: Independence Hall
stenkil: Parents' Home
stenkil: Richard's Apartment Equirectangular
stenkil: On the Banks of the Chattahoochee
stenkil: Chattahoochee Shelter
stenkil: Chattahoochee River Equirectangular
stenkil: In-laws Equirectangular
stenkil: In-laws Snow Day Equirectangular
stenkil: Belle Isle Bridge Equirectangular
stenkil: Richmond Main Street Train Station Equirectangular
stenkil: Graves in Hollywood Cemetery
stenkil: Pyramid from Hollywood Cemetery