8ran: Bumble Bee
8ran: Honey Bee
8ran: Frog Face
8ran: Guinea Hatching
8ran: Please don't sting me.
8ran: Spring growth
8ran: The Dummy Shake
8ran: Running
8ran: Orange Flower
8ran: Blind Frog
8ran: Sea Urchin
8ran: Rock patterns
8ran: Obsessed with detail...
8ran: Wax
8ran: Planing down the zippered back strip
8ran: Rosette scraped flush to the soundboard
8ran: Ash
8ran: Memory Machine
8ran: Dead hard drive
8ran: Dying Rose
8ran: I forget what these are called
8ran: blistered spark plug
8ran: Honey Bee
8ran: Kitchen faucet
8ran: your message here
8ran: paper wasp
8ran: Bug on my patio
8ran: can anyone ID this guy?
8ran: Japanese Beetle
8ran: bubbles @ 10X