Jaime Chang:
Jaime Chang:
"El abrelatas se encuentra en...." "Can opener located in..."
Jaime Chang:
Peten, Guatemala
Jaime Chang:
Jaime Chang:
Jaime Chang:
Jaime Chang:
Templo IV / Temple IV, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Templo IV / Temple IV, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Templo IV / Temple IV, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Templo IV / Temple IV, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Gran Piramide (del Mundo Perdido) / Great Piramid (of the Lost World), Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Gran Piramide (del Mundo Perdido) / Great Piramid (of the Lost World), Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Gran Piramide (del Mundo Perdido) / Great Piramid (of the Lost World), Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Gran Piramide (del Mundo Perdido) / Great Piramid (of the Lost World), Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Gran Piramide (del Mundo Perdido) / Great Piramid (of the Lost World), Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Gran Piramide (del Mundo Perdido) / Great Piramid (of the Lost World), Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Structure 5D-43, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Structure 5D-43, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Structure 5D-43 and Great piramid in the background, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Templo III / Temple III, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Pavo ocelado, Guajolote ocelado, Ocellated turkey, Meleagris ocellata, Tikal, Peten, Guatemala
Jaime Chang:
Templo I / Temple I, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Templo II / Temple II, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Templo I / Temple I, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Templo II / Temple II, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Acrópolis Norte, Plaza Principal y Templo I / North Acropolis, Main Plaza and Temple I, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Jaime Chang:
Acropolis Norte / Northern Acropolis, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Templo I y Acropolis Central / Temple I and Central Acropolis, Tikal
Jaime Chang:
Acropolis Norte y Templo II / Northern Acropolis and Temple II, Tikal