cyberchrome: coffee society
cyberchrome: New York 1961
cyberchrome: P1100907_PS
cyberchrome: P1100900-PS2
cyberchrome: P1100897_PS
cyberchrome: P1100894_PS
cyberchrome: Cardinal Beauforts Chantry Chapel
cyberchrome: poesie
cyberchrome: P1100877_5_6-HDR-PS2
cyberchrome: P1100873_PS3
cyberchrome: P1100871_69_70_HDR_PS
cyberchrome: The beautiful vaulted ceiling of Winchester Cathedral in England
cyberchrome: crock / croci
cyberchrome: The only photograph in my stream taken by an American (Canadian?)
cyberchrome: yes dad, it's a fucking wall
cyberchrome: This is the medieval city, etc
cyberchrome: Ronald the conqueror
cyberchrome: P1100903_PS3
cyberchrome: young at heart
cyberchrome: P1100938_PS
cyberchrome: making the best of a criminally overexposed jpeg
cyberchrome: P1100922_PS
cyberchrome: P1100920_PS
cyberchrome: P1100917_PS
cyberchrome: pa - - - - ma