blind_donkey: Kadaif with pears in wine, vanilla Ice cream and prune jam
blind_donkey: Wintry Sangria & Black beans soup with scallops
blind_donkey: Invitation for breakfast
blind_donkey: Marmalades in orange and red
blind_donkey: Sweet windowdisplay
blind_donkey: Ghosts, monkey and intelligent caw
blind_donkey: 5 o’clock tee in blue & white
blind_donkey: Muunki
blind_donkey: Sublimation
blind_donkey: Sergio's Tiramisu -the best ever.
blind_donkey: IMG_0007
blind_donkey: IMG_0005
blind_donkey: IMG_0004
blind_donkey: IMG_0008
blind_donkey: Belgian Chocolates
blind_donkey: Belgian Chocolates & Pate de Fruits
blind_donkey: Not a sight for a vegetarian
blind_donkey: Not a sight for a vegetarian#2
blind_donkey: Zu Tisch bei Sigmund Freud
blind_donkey: Man cannot live by bread alone
blind_donkey: Isn't the color of the sauce great?
blind_donkey: Bread & Butter
blind_donkey: Our daily bread
blind_donkey: This is how they drink Turkish coffee in Czech
blind_donkey: Kofola
blind_donkey: Moser Porcelain