WhichWay?Riders: pre-ride maintenance puts them behind schedule
WhichWay?Riders: Jamey goes after Kenny
WhichWay?Riders: Kenny looks under the tree for the WWR Crew
WhichWay?Riders: laggards on the the Virginia Mill bridge
WhichWay?Riders: Where's the Doctor?
WhichWay?Riders: Dr Ken inspects the medical properties of the wildflowers
WhichWay?Riders: Jamey likes to smell the flowers then ride away
WhichWay?Riders: Jamey gives the flowers the bird
WhichWay?Riders: Becky can't believe Jamey caught up to her
WhichWay?Riders: Speedy Liz is happy George wasn't lost in the Jungle
WhichWay?Riders: Woody was amazed that Ken couldn't keep up
WhichWay?Riders: Apres party at Alices
WhichWay?Riders: The Off-Kamber hot rod got tagged
WhichWay?Riders: Rickster's Jeep gets the WWR treatment