WhichWay?Riders: Jim looks for the WWRiders
WhichWay?Riders: Sebastian (Seabass) crashed
WhichWay?Riders: on the trail
WhichWay?Riders: Pierre crashed
WhichWay?Riders: Fitter about to get run over
WhichWay?Riders: Beefcake smiles on his new bike
WhichWay?Riders: There goes Beefcake
WhichWay?Riders: Here comes Lynne
WhichWay?Riders: Rickster Ali n Fitter
WhichWay?Riders: WWR at Alices
WhichWay?Riders: Ken wants to eat it NOW
WhichWay?Riders: CALAMARI
WhichWay?Riders: Woody wants to force feed calamari to Dr Ken
WhichWay?Riders: Marc n Ken like calamari
WhichWay?Riders: Who is that
WhichWay?Riders: Ali wants the last calamari
WhichWay?Riders: MORE Beer please
WhichWay?Riders: Jules Liz and Marc
WhichWay?Riders: Beefcake Dave picked up the tab! sorta...