WhichWay?Riders: Woody and Beck lead the roll out of Jakes parking lot
WhichWay?Riders: Beck is having fun with Papa Woody
WhichWay?Riders: Three WWR chicas ready to roll - Catherine, Valerie and Henrike
WhichWay?Riders: Lonn and the boyz get psyched for the first climb
WhichWay?Riders: Beck gutting it up the hill
WhichWay?Riders: Mike Sundis makes his return
WhichWay?Riders: Chirag Looking Fresh
WhichWay?Riders: Dan climbs
WhichWay?Riders: Fitter, Triple V climb wihile George of the Jungle gets in the way
WhichWay?Riders: Triple V - aka Valerie our Actress Extraordinaire
WhichWay?Riders: Catherine enjoying the ride
WhichWay?Riders: Henrike relaxing
WhichWay?Riders: Valerie has a rockin good time
WhichWay?Riders: Henrike drops the hammer
WhichWay?Riders: Pierre streaks down the trail
WhichWay?Riders: Jamey jams
WhichWay?Riders: Woody and Beck
WhichWay?Riders: Skies add atmosphere to a fun and social ride
WhichWay?Riders: Johnny Ray lubes and tweaks his shaft while Henrike looks on
WhichWay?Riders: Regroup at the end of Toyon Trail
WhichWay?Riders: GPS Lonn enroute to the top
WhichWay?Riders: WWR on top of Maizes at Fremont Older
WhichWay?Riders: Chirag on the backside singletrack (Wedding Tree trail)
WhichWay?Riders: Eric showing Pierre how it is done
WhichWay?Riders: Markos cruising the back side
WhichWay?Riders: George of the Jungle doing a bad impersonation of Michael Jordan
WhichWay?Riders: Triple V caught in action on Seven Springs
WhichWay?Riders: How did a guy with chicken legs break a crank arm?
WhichWay?Riders: Mike shares his mustard with Beck