m_heumann: 4T Trail marker
m_heumann: Jeff and Suzen on the 4 T Trail
m_heumann: Canopy from the trail
m_heumann: Spider web in the light
m_heumann: Atop of Council Crest
m_heumann: Suzen, Jeff and Michael
m_heumann: View from Council Crest
m_heumann: Clouds
m_heumann: Suzen and Jeff69
m_heumann: Suzen and Jeff
m_heumann: Suzen, Jeff and Michael
m_heumann: Detail of Tile installation
m_heumann: Panorama of a tile installation on the 4 T Trail
m_heumann: Downtown Portland from the Medical School
m_heumann: Panorama of the view from the Tram launch
m_heumann: The Tram (3rd T)