m_heumann: Larkspur at trailhead
m_heumann: Larkspur detail
m_heumann: Early portion of the trail
m_heumann: Anemone flowers
m_heumann: Bug tracks on a large leaf
m_heumann: Columbine flower
m_heumann: Larkspur flowers
m_heumann: Hillside scene with lovely groundcover
m_heumann: Mountain Tiger Lily with colorful stamen
m_heumann: Iris Flower
m_heumann: Tiger Lily flowers
m_heumann: Looking up into the Alder canopy
m_heumann: Iris
m_heumann: Cluster of tiny flowers growing from a sedum
m_heumann: First vista of clearcuts
m_heumann: Monkey flowers
m_heumann: Roots across the trail
m_heumann: Paint brush flower
m_heumann: Interesting rock formation
m_heumann: Cow Parsnip flower cluster
m_heumann: Monte, Sarah, John, with Shilo
m_heumann: Monte, Sarah and John
m_heumann: Hillside trees and meadow
m_heumann: Unknown cluster of lily-type flowers
m_heumann: wild rose
m_heumann: Bouquet
m_heumann: Flowers, grasses and vistas
m_heumann: Iris
m_heumann: Iris detail
m_heumann: Lush iris