m_heumann: Flying northward to Alaska
m_heumann: Coming into Anchorage
m_heumann: Lush green from the air
m_heumann: abundant produce in the short summer
m_heumann: Lots of water
m_heumann: View from my hotel window
m_heumann: Architectual Abstract Reflection
m_heumann: Museum Muses
m_heumann: Public art #1
m_heumann: Public art #2
m_heumann: REO Speed Wagon
m_heumann: Classic luxury
m_heumann: Mixing with the locals
m_heumann: Da Locals
m_heumann: Public Totems at the courthouse
m_heumann: Totems at the courthouse
m_heumann: Totem at a store #1
m_heumann: Totem at a store #2
m_heumann: Totem detail #1
m_heumann: Totem detail #2
m_heumann: What!?
m_heumann: Big bird
m_heumann: Michael with Sculpture at the Alaskan Cultural Heritage Center
m_heumann: Whale skeleton #2
m_heumann: Whale Skeleton #1
m_heumann: Trish and Martha
m_heumann: Art at the Alaskan Cultural Heritage Center
m_heumann: Totem carving #1
m_heumann: Totem detail at the Alaskan Cultural Heritage Center
m_heumann: Totem #2