m_heumann: Nicole, Amy and Bruce at the beginning of our hike up Camelback Mountain, above Scottsdale, ArizonaIMG_4723
m_heumann: Contrast with cactus, rocks and sky
m_heumann: A majestic Saguaro among the rocks
m_heumann: Blossom buds on top of some Saguaro Cacti, with the city in the background
m_heumann: Lovely rocks and a shrub, overlook the city far below
m_heumann: View from the top of Camelback Mountain
m_heumann: Amy and Nicole relaxing at the top of Camelback Mountain
m_heumann: Bruce joins Amy and Nicole after a great climb to the top
m_heumann: Bruce, Amy, Nicole and Michael having a "peak" experience
m_heumann: Trail marker near the peak of Camelback Mountain
m_heumann: Nicole on a rock outcropping
m_heumann: Amy looking regal on the way down the mountain
m_heumann: Bruce, on top of the world, showing the joy of the climb
m_heumann: Grass growing out of the rock on Camelback Mountain
m_heumann: Town and Country: Cactus with a view
m_heumann: Dusk sets in on the trail back down from the top of Camelback Mountain
m_heumann: Cacti along the trail on Camelback Mountain
m_heumann: Saguaro Cactus on Camelback Mountain, in Scottsdale, AZ