m_heumann: On the hike up in Oswald West Park
m_heumann: David and Judy stopping along the trail
m_heumann: David and Judy
m_heumann: DSCN0957
m_heumann: Tree with interesting branches
m_heumann: Trail in Oswald West Park
m_heumann: Trees, moss and sunlight
m_heumann: Mossy ferns growing on tree bark
m_heumann: tree along the hike
m_heumann: Sun through the trees
m_heumann: South end of Arch Cape Beach
m_heumann: Tiny bubbles in the shore foam
m_heumann: Looking south at Short Sands Beach
m_heumann: David, Terri and Judy
m_heumann: Waterfall into the sea, North end of Short Sands Beach
m_heumann: DSCN0989
m_heumann: DSCN0991
m_heumann: Cairn by waterfall
m_heumann: Terri, Michael and Judy
m_heumann: Creek at Short Sands Beach
m_heumann: Creek entering the ocean
m_heumann: Upper canopy
m_heumann: Some tree!