RoyCCCCC: 1937 Alvis 4.3-litre Saloon for restoration (Tim Walker Restorations)
RoyCCCCC: 1939 Alvis 4.3-litre bodied by Carlton (to an Offord design)
RoyCCCCC: 1937 Alvis 4.3-litre Saloon for restoration (Tim Walker Restorations)
RoyCCCCC: 1939 Alvis 4.3-litre bodied by Carlton (to an Offord design) & 1937 Alvis 4.3-litre Saloon for restoration
RoyCCCCC: 1939 Alvis 4.3-litre bodied by Carlton (to an Offord design) & 1937 Alvis 4.3-litre Saloon for restoration
RoyCCCCC: 1939 Alvis 4.3-litre bodied by Carlton (to an Offord design) & 1937 Alvis 4.3-litre Saloon for restoration
RoyCCCCC: 1939 Alvis 4.3-litre bodied by Carlton (to an Offord design)
RoyCCCCC: 1937 Alvis 4.3-litre Saloon for restoration (Tim Walker Restorations)
RoyCCCCC: 1939 Alvis 4.3-litre bodied by Carlton (to an Offord design) & 1937 Alvis 4.3-litre Saloon for restoration
RoyCCCCC: 1939 Alvis 4.3-litre bodied by Carlton (to an Offord design)
RoyCCCCC: 1929 Morgan Super Aero (Duncan Wood)
RoyCCCCC: 1929 Morgan Super Aero (Duncan Wood)
RoyCCCCC: 1928 Morgan Super Aero (Gary Caroline)
RoyCCCCC: 1929 Napier Bentley (Christopher Williams)
RoyCCCCC: 1929 Napier Bentley (Christopher Williams)
RoyCCCCC: 1929 Napier Bentley (Christopher Williams)
RoyCCCCC: 1936 SS Jaguar 100 3½-litre Supercharged Special (Tom McWhirter)
RoyCCCCC: 1936 SS Jaguar 100 3½-litre Supercharged Special (Tom McWhirter)
RoyCCCCC: 1936 SS Jaguar 100 3½-litre Supercharged Special (Tom McWhirter)
RoyCCCCC: 1936 SS Jaguar 100 3½-litre Supercharged Special (Tom McWhirter)
RoyCCCCC: 1936 SS Jaguar 100 3½-litre Supercharged Special (Tom McWhirter)
RoyCCCCC: 1927 Bentley 3/4½-litre (Ewan Getley)
RoyCCCCC: 1929 Amilcar CGSS (Clive Temple)
RoyCCCCC: 1929 Riley 9 Brooklands (Clive Temple)
RoyCCCCC: 1932/35 Riley Special (Greg Lerigo)
RoyCCCCC: 1929/35 Fiat AC Single Seater (Andrew Kellock) - a Fiat chassis with 2 litre AC engine - The "Fiasco"
RoyCCCCC: 1929/35 Fiat AC Single Seater (Andrew Kellock) - a Fiat chassis with 2 litre AC engine - The "Fiasco"
RoyCCCCC: 1929/35 Fiat AC Single Seater (Andrew Kellock) - a Fiat chassis with 2 litre AC engine - The "Fiasco"
RoyCCCCC: 1935 Riley 15/6 Falcon Special (Roland Woodtli)
RoyCCCCC: 1935 Riley 15/6 Falcon Special (Roland Woodtli)