Bill's 5 B's Plus:
DSC_3417 (1280x786)
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Chincoteague Ponys
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
The Race Is On
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Breeching Gray Whale
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Gray Whale Calf
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Defiant Crab
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Least Tern prepares to settle down on its two eggs.
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Twisting Re-entry
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Playful Dolphins
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Jumping Polar Bear
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Talk to the Hand
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Happy Thanksgiving Family Togetherness
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
The After Thanksgiving Meal Football Watching Pose
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Black Friday Race Is ON
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Wild Horses
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Merry Christmas
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Come on Mom Lets Play
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Mom Leads the Way Away
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Bobbing for Minnows
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Spring when a toad's thoughts turn to NOT BASEBALL
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Snowy Egret
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
The Kiss of Death
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Andean Condor
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Ever have one of those days
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Don't eat with your mouth open
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
New Zealand KaKa
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Uncropped Lion in the Wild
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Uncropped Cheetah in the Wild
Bill's 5 B's Plus:
Uncropped Giraffe in the Wild