thengoctran19: Kung fu Mantis
Eric Gofreed: Elegant Departure
thengoctran19: Mother wolf spider
sandra bourgeois: Raton laveur - Racoon
monte stinnett: Yellow Crowned Night Heron
sandra bourgeois: Pic flamboyant - Northern flicker
monte stinnett: Family dinner
sandra bourgeois: Plongeon huard - Common loon
monte stinnett: Red Foxes
thengoctran19: Molting cicadas
Devill Photography: Barred Owl
monte stinnett: Western Grebe family
monte stinnett: Western Grebes family
monte stinnett: Western Grebe chick
monte stinnett: Royal Terns
Eric Gofreed: American kestrel-2097
ken.helal: Bald Eagles Standing on the Top of a Snag
sandra bourgeois: Chouette épervière - Northern hawk-owl
ken.helal: Bald Eagle Gets Visited By a Group of Magpies
RKop: Wanna piece of me?
sandra bourgeois: Vacher à tête brune - Brown-headed cowbird
sandra bourgeois: Butor d'Amérique - American bittern belted kingfisher male immature at Cardinal Marsh IA 116A8869
Devill Photography: Loon with Chick
bradtort: Green heron stalking fish # 1. GH_BSW2592
sandra bourgeois: Raton laveur - Racoon
sandra bourgeois: Busard des Marais - Northern Harrier
bradtort: Yellow-crowned night heron stalking crayfish. ycnh_BSW2972
monte stinnett: Clark's Grebes familiy
sandra bourgeois: Castor - Beaver