Northern Dave: Lies, damned lies and statistics...
Northern Dave: Panorama 4
Northern Dave: Panorama 3
Northern Dave: Nothing runs like a Deere
Northern Dave: Panorama from Wood Lane
Northern Dave: Former railway bridge
Northern Dave: Electricity substation
Northern Dave: P1340354a
Northern Dave: They get close, those buses
Northern Dave: P1340347a
Northern Dave: The path from Scholes
Northern Dave: Flowering hedgerow
Northern Dave: P1340344a
Northern Dave: P1340333a
Northern Dave: P1340332a
Northern Dave: P1340328a
Northern Dave: Through rolling fields, the footpath led....
Northern Dave: P1340326a
Northern Dave: P1340321a
Northern Dave: Fields of Gold
Northern Dave: P1340317a
Northern Dave: P1340316a
Northern Dave: P1340315a
Northern Dave: P1340312a
Northern Dave: Chance for refreshments
Northern Dave: P1340308a
Northern Dave: P1340307a
Northern Dave: P1340305a
Northern Dave: P1340304a