Northern Dave: Cock Beck
Northern Dave: Local history
Northern Dave: Sherburn Court
Northern Dave: Chance checking out
Northern Dave: P1340508a
Northern Dave: Power plyons
Northern Dave: P1340516a
Northern Dave: Sunlight on Wood Lane
Northern Dave: P1340524a
Northern Dave: Sunshine over Scholes
Northern Dave: Steam Power
Northern Dave: P1340547a
Northern Dave: Scaredy dog
Northern Dave: P1340555a
Northern Dave: Listening hound
Northern Dave: P1340562a
Northern Dave: Righ, that enough waiting...
Northern Dave: Four lane ends
Northern Dave: P1340567a
Northern Dave: Red kite?
Northern Dave: P1340573a
Northern Dave: P1340574a
Northern Dave: Lonely marker post
Northern Dave: Sunshine fields
Northern Dave: Field path
Northern Dave: P1340586a
Northern Dave: Across the fields to Swarcliffe
Northern Dave: P1340589a
Northern Dave: P1340590a
Northern Dave: Dog on path