Northern Dave: Eastern sun
Northern Dave: Panorama 1b
Northern Dave: Bridge buttresses on Barwick Road
Northern Dave: Railway remains
Northern Dave: P1290968a
Northern Dave: P1290960a
Northern Dave: Take a Chance
Northern Dave: Sunburst over fields
Northern Dave: P1290946a
Northern Dave: P1290945a
Northern Dave: Sun rising in the East
Northern Dave: Leeds Road LS15
Northern Dave: Sunlit cross
Northern Dave: Cross light
Northern Dave: See the light
Northern Dave: Looking east through the morning mist
Northern Dave: Morning light
Northern Dave: P1290927a
Northern Dave: P1290926b
Northern Dave: Sunlight over Scholes
Northern Dave: P1290925a
Northern Dave: P1290924a
Northern Dave: Light through leaves
Northern Dave: Posing pooch
Northern Dave: Dog on the path
Northern Dave: Frozen quarry
Northern Dave: Railway alignment
Northern Dave: Sunlight, shadows, clouds and sky
Northern Dave: P1290910a
Northern Dave: Tower blocks of Leeds 14