Northern Dave: P1220298a
Northern Dave: Daffs sign
Northern Dave: Roadside daffs
Northern Dave: Yellow daffodils
Northern Dave: Through the woods to the water
Northern Dave: Curving shores
Northern Dave: Running dog
Northern Dave: P1220309a
Northern Dave: P1220311a
Northern Dave: P1220312a
Northern Dave: P1220313a
Northern Dave: Spring daffodils
Northern Dave: P1220315a
Northern Dave: Amazing tree
Northern Dave: Fantastic branches
Northern Dave: Close up bark
Northern Dave: Spot the dog....
Northern Dave: Spot the dog 2
Northern Dave: Reflections
Northern Dave: Reflected trees
Northern Dave: Sheep at the fence
Northern Dave: P1220331a
Northern Dave: Two lambs
Northern Dave: P1220335a
Northern Dave: Mother and lambs
Northern Dave: P1220338a
Northern Dave: Blossom
Northern Dave: P1220342a
Northern Dave: P1220345a
Northern Dave: P1220346a