Jimboi: View from house in Harper's Ferry
Jimboi: Harper's Ferry
Jimboi: lonely road
Jimboi: old graveyard
Jimboi: West Virginia
Jimboi: American Indian Museum DC
Jimboi: road w/ clouds
Jimboi: nice road w/ cherry blossoms
Jimboi: more traditional dancing
Jimboi: mmm, grilled flesh w/ bamboo sticks
Jimboi: thai dancing
Jimboi: sugar cane drinks
Jimboi: yes, happy lao new year!
Jimboi: temple
Jimboi: I want this on my house
Jimboi: at the temple
Jimboi: birds in dc
Jimboi: Native american canoe
Jimboi: Buddhist prayer flags representing the elements
Jimboi: Dragon on temple
Jimboi: flags and monument
Jimboi: Bhutanese temple
Jimboi: Bhutanese temple art
Jimboi: on my way to work one morning
Jimboi: New lens test, Tokina 11-16mm
Jimboi: Sun yet raining
Jimboi: Sunset